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  • Writer's pictureGiusi


TWIN FLAMES. Let's talk about this for a bit.

I try to avoid this topic on my page because the internet is saturated with far too much information on this, much of which is false and that do nothing but appease the ego and keep people stuck in very abusive and toxic relationships that are in actuality, a trauma bond. But I thought I might offer some clearer insight for those of you who are on a twin flame journey and struggling to find your footing. I hope this offers some validation, clarity and the guidance that you need.

So, here we go. This will be a comprehensive list of what I know to be true regarding Twin Flames and the journey. If this resonates with you, great. If not, then feel free to subscribe to what you believe to be true for you. We have free will over here.

1. Twin Flames isn't some magical romantic Hallmark movie connection. You don't usually immediately get together in fact, one or both persons are completely unaware of what the connection actually is and are only just aware of this super familiar pull they have towards this person. Twin Flames purpose is not one of a great love story. It is one of Divine Consciousness, healing and great expansion & development.

2. Twin Flames is not experienced between your friend, pet or family member, etc. We can experience soulmate and soul family connections with various people in our lives, including our lovers and partners.. but a Twin Flame is always a deeper level of soul connection that unites two people energetically regardless of if they are in physical contact or not. This is because...

3. Twin Flames are the same soul. They are the exact same vibrational match. Which is why it feels so smooth and in synch when they are together. It is a connection that is unparalleled by others. They are you. You are them. You will notice many things that are mirrored in one another's lives. No, you are not each other's "other half". You are whole and complete on your own. But you have chosen to incarnate in this timeline into two physical bodies and this is done purposely to help you grow and expand at a much higher level of consciousness. It's like you're tag teaming your spiritual growth. This probably has much to do with your life purpose and path in this lifetime.

4. With that being said, not everyone has a Twin Flame in this lifetime. Don't see that as a negative thing because the Twin Flame journey is not for the faint of heart. It absolutely is not some lovey dovey story but one of great spiritual growth. You will probably be much more content with a fated soulmate that can fill you up with the most delicious romantical love ever.

5. Abusive relationships are not your Twin Flame. There are far too many avenues online that perpetuate that strong connection between you as them being your Twin Flame. It's not. It's called Trauma Bonding. Your Twin Flame dynamic will absolutely have a lot of push and pull energy, running and ghosting energy.. but one thing it will not have is abuse. Your Twin Flame will never purposely and intentionally inflict harm upon you. Because even though they may reject the connection, your Twin Flame at the very deepest soul level, loves you more deeply than anyone else. Please be weary of anyone who suggests that someone who is harmful to you, is cheating on you and is toxic AF is your Twin. That's a hard No. and I hope you can eventually find healing if you are in this space.

6. Twin flames reject one another because they are the same vibrational match.. and what we are actually rejecting is our Self. In fact, the more we avoid doing the inner work and healing, the more we will reject and avoid them. Since they are the same vibrational match as you, it is essentially like holding up a mirror to your face.. of all the parts of you that are amazing.. but that you have rejected and feel unloved in. It's a paradox.. because it's something we are so desperately longing to connect with (those parts of us).. yet are constantly actively rejecting, disowning and hating on all of those parts of ourselves.. and it feels so uncomfortable. It serves as a reminder as hey.. look at me! All the beautiful and amazing parts that are you! and look how awesome they are! Look how awesome YOU are! which brings me to my final point..

7. Your Twin will catapult you into your greatest spiritual awakening. Yes, we may have many dark night of the souls and spiritual awakenings.. but remember.. you incarnated in this lifetime as the Two because you are choosing to learn higher lessons and have greater soul expansion and consciousness. So, the moment you finally have Soul Recognition with your twin.. (It's called this because you don't always have this at first and it might not come until much later. Although it is possible that one person had the knowing of this from the beginning.) Once your soul recognizes the other as your counterpart, know that you will be thrust head first into a MASSIVE season of growth and healing.. by absolutely no choice of your own. You will trigger one another by activating one another's deepest core wounds. It will not be intentional or consciously. But it will be hard and painful. And most of this is usually done in separation, meaning, you are not with your counterpart, although you are always together in 5D and are assisting one another on your journey at all times. The entire point of the Twin Flame journey IS the healing .. which eventually, will crack open the hard shell we have created .. and to fully love ourselves unconditionally. There is this fixation on "union" in many Twin Flame communities.. but union was always present as you have never been separate and are always together. You're the same soul. You are singular. and ultimately, your purpose was to accept and love yourself in the most purest, unconditional way ever. And knowing that we were always the one we were rejecting and running from. And integrating that pure high vibrational love into our lives... and then using that for a much greater purpose.

Whether or not twin flames unite is dependent on so many things. If both can awaken to their own truth and power and learn unconditional love and if they can learn how to show up for one another as needed. This may not happen in this lifetime which is why many choose to release it and opt for a soulmate connection instead and be grateful for the lessons learned. Not everyone will be ready to accept a relationship with someone who can see you at your deepest level. It can leave you feeling incredibly vulnerable and exposed. For those who have not learned how to face themselves, they will not be able to face their counterpart with truth either. For this reason, there is often one more awakened twin and this is because of the polarities. Though they may be the same vibrational match, they are also the yin and yang energy (also referred to the Divine Masculine and Feminine energy) so they naturally have polarizing aspects to them. In unhealed and unawakened twins, this will also contribute to the push and pull as opposing views may trigger one another. Healed and awakened twins will have learned that their polarities are actually an incredible strength that will bring forth a perfect balance in their life and in their path which will garner them much success and achievements.

I hope this was helpful to someone and that it dispelled some myths surrounding Twin Flames and the purpose of this journey.

Remember that your mission is always your own healing. Focusing on trying to wake up and heal others is never going to get you to where you want to be.. whether that is regarding your Twin or anyone else in your life. Other people must awaken on their own and they will come to you when they are ready. And even if they don't, it doesn't matter. Because your purpose was always for you to embody that purest version of yourself. Trust me.. you're going to want to get there. It's 100% worth it.

Much love, -Giuseppina B.


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